Category: Programmer, development system

1 9 10 11 12 13 19 110 / 183 POSTS

What are the main technical features of the MAX85952/85962?

* Question What are the main technical features of the MAX85952/85962? * Answer 1 Drives up to 8 white LEDs with 25mA current. The temperatu [...]

What are the main technical features of CAT3200/3200-5?

* Question What are the main technical features of CAT3200/3200-5? * Answer 1 fixed operating frequency is 2MHz; 2100mA output current; [...]

What is the traditional cover type packaging method?

* Question What is the traditional cover type packaging method? * Answer The traditional cover type packaging method mainly uses glass as a [...]

What are the characteristics of amorphous silicon TFT technology?

* Question What are the characteristics of amorphous silicon TFT technology? * Answer The driving mode of the a-Si T has the characteristics [...]

What is an intensity modulated fiber optic pressure sensor?

* Question What is an intensity modulated fiber optic pressure sensor? * Answer The intensity-modulated fiber optic pressure sensor is mostl [...]

What are the photoelectric effects usually divided into several categories?

* Question What are the photoelectric effects usually divided into several categories? * Answer Photoelectric effect is usually divided into [...]

What are the main indicators of the static characteristics of the sensor?

* Question What are the main indicators of the static characteristics of the sensor? * Answer First, linearity (non-linear error) Second, se [...]

What are the three categories of micromachining technology?

* Question What are the three categories of micromachining technology? * Answer Micromachining technology is broadly divided into three cate [...]

What are the main disadvantages of thermistors?

* Question What are the main disadvantages of thermistors? * Answer The main disadvantage of the thermistor is that its resistance is nonlin [...]

What are the layers of OLEDoS?

* Question What are the layers of OLEDoS? The structure of the OLEDoS: First, a high work function metal is deposited on the monocrystalline silic [...]
1 9 10 11 12 13 19 110 / 183 POSTS