Category: Electronic News

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5 Cybersecurity Tips for Procurement Teams

5 Cybersecurity Tips for Procurement Teams

A hacker attack happens every 39 sec., and 4.1 million websites are plagued by malware at any given time. It takes about 49 days for an organization [...]
6 Ways Procurement Can Create More Sustainable Supply Chains

6 Ways Procurement Can Create More Sustainable Supply Chains

Companies are facing a considerable increase in standardized environmental, sustainability and governance (ESG) disclosure rules and standards across [...]
Five Steps to an Optimized Electronics Procurement Strategy

Five Steps to an Optimized Electronics Procurement Strategy

Defined as a “holistic approach” to procurement, versus an individualistic one, procurement optimization is all about attaining optimum value creati [...]
2023 APAC Distribution Trends

2023 APAC Distribution Trends

An expansive region that includes countries in East Asia, Southeast Asia and Oceania that border the Pacific Ocean, the Asia-Pacific or “APAC” region [...]
How Procurement Can Help Improve Organizational Resilience

How Procurement Can Help Improve Organizational Resilience

Defined as the ability to withstand and recover from disruptions, organizational resilience measures just how well an organization can function effec [...]
Boosting Procurement Efficiency in Uncertain Times

Boosting Procurement Efficiency in Uncertain Times

Inflation, high interest rates and rising business costs are just some of the outside factors that are driving companies to cut back right now. The s [...]
How Digital Twin Technology Optimizes the Electronics Supply Chain

How Digital Twin Technology Optimizes the Electronics Supply Chain

When an aircraft manufacturer like Boeing designs a new plane, they go to the significant expense of building a mockup, or physical re [...]
Waste Stream Management: What Is the Fastest-Growing Waste Stream?

Waste Stream Management: What Is the Fastest-Growing Waste Stream?

In the modern world, the fast progress of technology produces huge quantities of obsolete electronics. This is already a global problem and countries [...]
Data Encryption: A Critical Success Factor for Supply Chain Digitalization

Data Encryption: A Critical Success Factor for Supply Chain Digitalization

Cloud computing has emerged as the foundational technology in transforming the nature and pace of global supply chains. By simplifying and accelerati [...]
Trends and Challenges in the Field of Electronic Components in 2024

Trends and Challenges in the Field of Electronic Components in 2024

Overall Outlook After a sluggish 2023, the growth prospects for 2024 look brighter in some areas of the electronic components industry, while uncerta [...]
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