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  • WIN SOURCE Sponsors Watoto Coding Hub — Supporting Technology Education

    WIN SOURCE, a global leader in electronic component distribution, proudly announces a $100 donation to Watoto Coding Hub, a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching modern technology skills to children and young people in underserved communities, particularly in Nairobi’s Kibera area.

    About WIN SOURCE

    Since its establishment in 1999, WIN SOURCE has become a trusted brand in the electronic component industry. The company offers a vast range of products, including integrated circuits, connectors, sensors, and power supplies, serving various industries. WIN SOURCE is renowned for its competitive pricing, excellent customer service, and robust supply chain, committed to providing high-quality, reliable products to customers worldwide.

    Corporate Social Responsibility

    WIN SOURCE is committed to fulfilling its corporate social responsibility, believing that businesses have a duty to give back to society. The donation to Watoto Coding Hub is part of WIN SOURCE’s broader initiative to support education and community development projects. By investing in the education of young people, WIN SOURCE aims to support the next generation of innovators and leaders in the technology sector.

    About Watoto Coding Hub

    Watoto Coding Hub is a pioneering non-profit organization dedicated to providing technological education to children and young people in underserved areas of Nairobi, Kenya. The hub offers comprehensive training in coding, mobile app development, engineering, and game design, aiming to equip participants with the skills needed to thrive in the digital age. The organization’s mission is to unlock students’ potential, improve their future prospects, and contribute to the overall development of the community.

    Expanding Educational Opportunities

    The $100 donation from WIN SOURCE will support Watoto Coding Hub in expanding its programs and reaching more young people in need. This donation will be used to improve the hub’s facilities, provide learning materials, and support the training of teachers. The ultimate goal is to create a more inclusive and technologically proficient community, giving young people the tools and knowledge they need to succeed.

    Shared Vision for a Better Future

    A spokesperson for WIN SOURCE stated, “We are delighted to support Watoto Coding Hub and their excellent work in empowering young people through technological education. This donation reflects our commitment to fostering innovation and supporting the communities we serve. We believe that by investing in education, we are helping to create a better future for everyone.”

    The partnership between WIN SOURCE and Watoto Coding Hub reflects their shared vision for the future, recognizing the vital role of education and technology in community development. By supporting initiatives like Watoto Coding Hub, WIN SOURCE continues to demonstrate its commitment to making a positive impact on society.

    For more information about WIN SOURCE and its initiatives, please visit www.win-source.net

    To learn more about Watoto Coding Hub, please visit www.watotocoding.com


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