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  • XC7A35T-2CSG324C FPGA


    The XC7A35T-2CSG324C FPGA, produced by Xilinx, is a versatile field programmable gate array designed for a wide range of applications. It features 33,280 programmable logic cells (LUTs), abundant I/O channels, advanced clock management, and various memory resources, providing high performance and flexibility.

    With its compact 324-pin chip-scale package (CSP), it is suitable for designs with limited board space. It is a powerful solution for communication, image processing, and control system applications, providing efficient and reliable performance.

    Pin Footprint

    What is the XC7A35T-2CSG324C FPGA? A closer look at its key features

    The XC7A35T -2CSG324C FPGA is an engineering marvel, built for best-in-class performance. It is a powerful and versatile part designed to handle complex computing tasks precisely and efficiently. Here’s what makes it so special:

    ● Logic Units: With 33,280 logic units, it is suitable for complex algorithm implementation and data processing.

    ● I/O Pins: With 210 I/O pins, it supports a wide range of connectivity options, allowing integration with a wide range of peripherals.

    ● DSP Slice: Equipped with 90 DSP slices, it enhances digital signal processing capabilities, which is essential for high-speed data operations.

    ● Block RAM: Contains 1,800 Kbits of block RAM, providing ample storage space for temporary data and high-speed data access.

    ● Efficient Power Usage: Designed to operate efficiently, minimizing power consumption and heat generation.

    ● Package type: CSG324 package is adopted to ensure compact form factor while maintaining robustness for industrial applications.

    Comparison appearance: XC7A35T-2CSG324C vs. XC7A50T-1CSG324I

    When choosing between XC7A35T-2CSG324C and XC7A50T-1CSG324I, it is important to compare their specifications (such as logic cell count, DSP slices, and power consumption) to find the product that best suits your project needs.

    XC7A35T-2CSG324C FPGA Best Performance

    The XC7A35T-2CSG324C FPGA is a versatile electronic component that is very useful in many different settings. Let’s see where it really shines:

    ● Handles complex signal processing tasks and ensures reliable, high-speed communications.

    ● Enhances the processing power of computing systems, making them ideal for data centers and high-performance computing applications.

    ● Supports automated processes through precise control and high-speed data processing.

    ● Facilitates advanced capabilities in embedded systems, supporting innovation in a wide range of applications from consumer electronics to automotive systems.

    Xilinx: The Future of Innovative Technology

    Xilinx is a leader in creating flexible, high-performance FPGAs that power technology across industries. They focus on providing solutions that increase computing efficiency and support innovation. Whether used for telecommunications, computing, or industrial applications, Xilinx FPGAs are designed to meet the highest standards of performance and reliability.

    They are known for their commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology, maintaining high quality, and ensuring their products are sold worldwide. As a top brand in the tech world, they are committed to making the future of technology more efficient and powerful.

    Why XC7A35T-2CSG324C is favored by the market

    The XC7A35T -2CSG324C stands out for its flexibility, high performance, and the trust it has earned in the electronics community. With a large inventory, this FPGA offers excellent performance at a competitive price, making it a top choice for designers and manufacturers. Its consistent quality and ability to meet diverse application needs further highlight its value in today’s market.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can it handle high data processing tasks?

    ● Yes, it is designed to effectively manage complex computing tasks.

    What if I need more logic cells?

    ● Xilinx offers a variety of FPGA options with different numbers of logic cells to meet different requirements. For alternatives, it is best to consult their product catalog or consult technical support.

    Are there any limitations to the XC7A35T-2CSG324C?

    ● While it is widely used, its number of logic cells may not meet all high-performance needs, which may limit its application in certain high-end computing roles.

    Considering the XC7A35T-2CSG324C FPGA for your desired project? We’ve got your back from start to finish. We carry a large inventory so you can get the products you need for your project. If you need to know what the cost will be, just ask us for a quote (RFQ). We also offer you the opportunity to try free samples before you buy. We are committed to helping you turn your great ideas into reality with our trusted and efficient solutions.

    For more details and to explore our inventory, visit the following links:

    Product Details: Win Source – XC7A35T-2CSG324C

    Quote: Win Source – RFQ


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