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  • FPGA/CPLD chips are special ASIC chips.In addition to the characteristics of ASIC, what advantages do they have?

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    FPGA/CPLD chips are special ASIC chips.In addition to the characteristics of ASIC, what advantages do they have?


    (1) With the continuous improvement of the VISI process, a single chip can accommodate millions of transistors, and the size of the FPGA/CPLD chip is getting larger and larger. The number of single-chip logic gates has reached millions, and it canThe functions implemented are also getting stronger and stronger, and system integration is also possible.Therefore, FPGA/CPLD has a small capital investment and saves a lot of potential costs.

    (3) The user can repeatedly program, erase, use or use different software to achieve different functions without the peripheral circuit.Therefore, using FPGA/PLD to prototype samples can occupy the market at the fastest speed.When the circuit has a few changes, it can show the advantages of FPGA/CPLD.When circuit designers use FPGA/CPLD for circuit design, they do not need to have a deep knowledge of IC. FPGA/CPLD software is easy to learn and use, which enables designers to concentrate on circuit design and quickly bring products to market.


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