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    How to use the Resistors correctly?


    In electronic circuits, Resistorss are required to control voltage and current.Resistorss are often called Resistorss.There are many types of Resistorss, which are divided into three types: fixed Resistorss, variable Resistorss, and potentiometers.The unit of the Resistors and potentiometer is labeled in the circuit diagram.The resistance is above megaohms and the unit is marked M.For example, 360 kohms can be labeled 360k or 0.36M.The resistance is below 1 kohm, and the unit Ω can be marked or not.For example, 5.1 ohms can be labeled 5.1 Ω or 5.1; 680 ohms, which can be labeled 680 Ω or 680.Common sense of the use of Resistorss.The type and error of the Resistors should be selected according to the requirements of the circuit.When installing, make the type of resistance, resistance and other symbols easy to see for verification.


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