* Question What is the transformer protection TA disconnection criterion? * Answer 1 When the zero-sequence current appears on the…
* Question What criteria does SA2 propose for NIMTC’s solution selection? * Answer If a non-3GPP solution can be adopted,…
* Question The difference between electric valve and solenoid valve * Answer The solenoid valve is magnetically attracted after the…
* Question What is a spin-on spin coating? * Answer The self-rotating type is a spin coating method in which…
* Question What is monocrystalline silicon * Answer Monocrystalline silicon English name: Monocrystallinesilicon molecular formula: Si silicon single crystal.A crystal…
* Question What are the characteristics of a pneumatic detector? * Answer This sensor is characterized by high sensitivity and…
* Question What is the detection method for the throttle position sensor of the Audi 200? * Answer 1 Turn…
* Question What is the main reason for the mechanical lag? * Answer After the strain gauge is subjected to…
* Question What are the advantages of NiosII’s implementation of embedded systems? * Answer 1.The Benefits of a Configurable Soft…
* Question What are the restrictions on stop mode? * Answer When all of the following four conditions are met,…