* Question What is the detection method of the electromagnetic pulse type crank position sensor? * Answer 1 open circuit…
* Question What is the function of the TCP/IP network control system? * Answer Realize remote control and call of…
* Question What are the points that the combiner can accomplish? * Answer 1) Send wireless signals from multiple input…
* Question When the master or slave host provides a long-term key to the link layer, the following three conditions…
* Question Every two LSl and VLS1 components require a storage capacitor, which is placed according to those rules? *…
* Question What are the benefits of using a dedicated VLAN for iSCSl storage traffic? * Answer A level of…
* Question What are the two typical applications of FPGAs? * Answer (1) As an interface logic controller, it has…
* Question What is a high voltage capacitor? * Answer To protect the ESD, it is necessary to use a…
* Question What is the sequence of operations in which the PCD and PICC start a conversation? * Answer (1)…
* Question What is the performance of error detection? * Answer 1 Transmitter can detect all local errors; 2 has…