* Question What is a thyristor and its classification? * Answer Thyristor is the abbreviation of Thyristor. It is called…
* Question Which stage of the 3-stage pipeline instruction is executed? * Answer 1 fetching an instruction from memory; 2…
* Question What are the differences between FPJA and CPLD? * Answer See page 8 Table 1.4
* Question What types of electronic tags can be classified according to readable and writeability? * Answer Read-only electronic tags,…
* Question What are the message frame formats? * Answer CAN 2.08 specifies two different frame formats, except that the…
* Question Technical parameters and characteristics of the Resistors * Answer Care should be taken to prevent thermistor from heating…
* Question What are the characteristics of the host interface? * Answer Asynchronous indirect SRAM interface style interface (i80 interface);…
* Question What are the positioning tracking transmission methods? * Answer Timed return, name return, fixed return
* Question What are the main advantages of the charger made up of the MAX8601? * Answer The main advantage…
* Question What are the main steps of the lithography process? * Answer 1.Gas phase to base film treatment 2.Rotating…