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  • What are the label control components?What is the main function?

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    What are the label control components?What is the main function?


    The tag control component includes an error detection circuit, a codec circuit, a command parsing and control, an anti-collision control circuit, a memory access control circuit, and the like.Some control components have strong security measures and provide hardware facilities to prevent tampering with the contents of the tag.Obtaining commands and data sent from the reader; verifying the received data and the data to be sent to the reader; encoding the transmitted data; encrypting and decrypting the received data and the transmitted data; performing anti-collision of the tagMeasures; control of read and write access to storage components.

    Typically, the storage component of the tag uses a non-volatile electrically erasable programmable read only memory (EEPROM).In the case of such a memory, the data storage time can be more than ten years.The physical size and storage capacity of the storage unit determine the cost of the storage unit.


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