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  • What are the pin functions of the TinySwitch-III series devices?

    * Question

    What are the pin functions of the TinySwitch-III series devices?

    * Answer

    The TinySwitch-III series devices from Power Integrations are widely used in power supply applications due to their compact size and efficiency. These devices integrate a power MOSFET and a power supply controller in one package, which simplifies the design of switched-mode power supplies.

    Here are the typical pin functions for a TinySwitch-III device:

    1. DRAIN (D): This pin is connected to the drain of the internal MOSFET. It is typically connected to the primary side of the transformer in a flyback converter design.

    2. SOURCE (S): This pin is the source terminal of the MOSFET and is typically connected to the common or ground reference of the circuit.

    3. BP/M (Bypass/Multi-Function): This pin serves multiple purposes:
    – It is used for connecting a bypass capacitor close to this pin. The capacitor stabilizes the internal supply voltage of the controller and filters high-frequency switching noise.
    – In some configurations, this pin can also be used for functions like line undervoltage sensing or enabling/disabling the device.

    4. EN/UV (Enable/Under-Voltage): This pin is used to enable or disable the device externally. It can also be configured for under-voltage detection, which helps in protecting the power supply by preventing operation under insufficient input voltage conditions.

    5. CONTROL (CTRL): This pin is typically used to control the duty cycle of the MOSFET by sensing the output voltage and feeding a portion of it back to this pin. This feedback mechanism helps in regulating the output voltage.

    The specific configuration and use of these pins can vary depending on the application and the specific part number in the TinySwitch-III series. It’s always recommended to refer to the specific datasheet of the device you are using for detailed pin configuration and functionality.


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