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    What is a DSP?


    DSP (digitalsingnalprocessor) is a unique microprocessor that processes digital information with digital signals.Not only is it programmable, but it can run tens of millions of complex instruction programs per second in real time, and its source exceeds the general-purpose microprocessor. It is an increasingly important computer chip in the digital electronic world.Its powerful data processing capabilities and high operating speed are two of the most commendable features.According to the requirements of digital signal processing, DSP chips generally have the following main features:

    (1) One multiplication and one addition can be completed in one instruction cycle;

    (2) Program and data space are separated, and instructions and data can be accessed simultaneously;

    (3)On-chip with fast RAM,Pipeline operations are supported so that operations such as fetching, decoding, and execution can be performed in an overlapping manner.Of course, other general-purpose functions of DSP chips are relatively weak compared to general-purpose microprocessors.