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  • What is an integrated temperature transmitter?

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    What is an integrated temperature transmitter?


    The KHWB integrated temperature transmitter is a perfect combination of temperature sensor and transmitter. It converts the temperature signal in the range of -200~ 1600 °C into the electric signal of the two-wire 4~20mADC in a very simple way.Instruments, recorders, DCS, etc., to achieve accurate measurement and control of temperature.Cold end, temperature drift, non-linear automatic compensation.High measurement accuracy and long-term stability.The interior of the temperature module is epoxy-casted for use in a variety of harsh and hazardous locations.

    The integrated design has a simple and reasonable structure and can directly replace ordinary assembled thermocouples and thermal Resistorss.Mechanical protection IP65.Cold end, temperature drift, non-linear automatic compensation.High measurement accuracy and long-term stability.The interior of the temperature module is epoxy-casted for use in a variety of harsh and hazardous locations.The integrated design has a simple and reasonable structure and can directly replace ordinary assembled thermocouples and thermal Resistorss.Mechanical protection IP65.) and two-wire solid electronic unit.The temperature probe is mounted directly in the junction box in the form of a solid module to form an integrated transmitter.KHWB integrated temperature transmitters are generally divided into two types: thermal resistance and thermocouple type.