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  • What is the principle of chip inductance?

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    What is the principle of chip inductance?


    Chip inductors, also known as surface mount inductors, are the next generation of leadless or short lead microelectronic components for surface mount technology (SMT), like other chip components (SMC and SMD).
    The welding faces of the leading ends are on the same plane.Chip inductors are mainly available in both wound and stacked versions.
    Current status and development trend of chip inductors Because micro inductors have to achieve sufficient inductance and quality factor (Q), and because the circuit and magnetic circuit are intertwined in the magnetic component, the manufacturing process is more complicated, so it is the basis of three foundations.
    The inductor of one of the passive components is chipped, significantly behind the capacitor and Resistors.In 977, Japan’s Matsushita Corporation first adopted SMT and SMC and SMD processes in consumer electronics such as ultra-thin semiconductor radios.
    In the late 1970s, countries such as Japan and the United States began research and development of chip inductors to meet the needs of SMT, and soon realized industrialization.


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