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  • What is the role of the gate Resistors of the electron triode?

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    What is the role of the gate Resistors of the electron triode?


    (1) R1 supplies a DC voltage to the gate, and G1 gate is grounded through R1.The Gl cathode voltage is greater than 0V, so the voltage of the gate is negative relative to the cathode, reaching the electron.The gate is required to have a negative voltage when amplified.After adding Rl, the electrons on the gate flow to the ground through R1, providing a bleed path for the electrons, so Rl is also called the gate-drain resistance.

    (3) R1 is also the load resistance of the pre-stage circuit. The signal voltage is applied to this load Resistors. The AC signal output from the pre-stage circuit is the input signal of G1.