* Question
Which instructions are included in the logic class instructions?
* Answer
In the context of computer architecture and assembly language, logic class instructions refer to instructions that perform logical operations on data. These instructions operate on binary data and manipulate individual bits or groups of bits. They are essential for tasks like bitwise operations, condition testing, and controlling data flow based on logical conditions.
Here are the common types of logic class instructions:
1. AND
– Operation: Performs a bitwise AND operation between two operands.
– Result: Each bit of the result is set to 1 if both corresponding bits of the operands are 1; otherwise, it is 0.
– Example:
`A = 1101`
`B = 1011`
`A AND B = 1001`
2. OR
– Operation: Performs a bitwise OR operation between two operands.
– Result: Each bit of the result is set to 1 if at least one of the corresponding bits of the operands is 1.
– Example:
`A = 1101`
`B = 1011`
`A OR B = 1111`
3. XOR (Exclusive OR)
– Operation: Performs a bitwise XOR operation between two operands.
– Result: Each bit of the result is set to 1 if the corresponding bits of the operands are different (one is 0, the other is 1); otherwise, the result is 0.
– Example:
`A = 1101`
`B = 1011`
`A XOR B = 0110`
4. NOT (Complement)
– Operation: Inverts the bits of the operand (also known as bitwise negation).
– Result: Each bit of the result is flipped: 0s become 1s, and 1s become 0s.
– Example:
`A = 1101`
`NOT A = 0010`
5. Shift Instructions
These instructions move bits left or right within a register, often used in conjunction with logical operations.
– Logical Shift Left (LSL): Shifts bits to the left, inserting 0s into the vacant positions.
– Example: `A = 1101 << 2 = 0100` (Shift left by 2 bits)
– Logical Shift Right (LSR): Shifts bits to the right, inserting 0s into the vacant positions.
– Example: `A = 1101 >> 2 = 0011` (Shift right by 2 bits)
6. Rotate Instructions
These instructions move bits around a register, either left or right, with the bit that is shifted out being inserted into the opposite side.
– Rotate Left (ROL): Bits are rotated to the left, and the bit shifted out on the left is inserted back into the rightmost position.
– Example: `A = 1101 (rotate left) = 1011`
– Rotate Right (ROR): Bits are rotated to the right, and the bit shifted out on the right is inserted back into the leftmost position.
– Example: `A = 1101 (rotate right) = 1110`
7. Test
– Operation: Performs a bitwise AND between two operands, but does not store the result. It’s used primarily for setting or clearing condition flags (like zero flag or carry flag).
– Example:
`A = 1101`
`B = 1010`
`A TEST B` results in condition flags being updated, but no result is stored.
8. Clear (CLR)
– Operation: Clears (sets to 0) a specific bit or a register. This instruction can be considered a combination of the AND instruction with a mask of 0s.
– Example:
`CLR A` (All bits of register A are set to 0)
9. Set (SET)
– Operation: Sets (to 1) a specific bit or a register. Similar to an OR instruction with a mask of 1s.
– Example:
`SET A` (All bits of register A are set to 1)
Usage of Logic Instructions
– Bitwise Operations: Logic class instructions are used to manipulate data at the bit level. This can include tasks like masking, clearing, setting, or toggling specific bits in a value.
– Control Flow: They can be used to create condition flags (zero, carry, negative) that control program flow based on results of logical tests.
– Efficient Arithmetic: Shift and rotate instructions are particularly useful for efficient multiplication and division by powers of two.
– Data Encryption: XOR operations, in particular, are often used in cryptography, since XORing data with a key can easily encrypt and decrypt it.
In summary, the logic class instructions in assembly and machine languages are fundamental for manipulating individual bits and performing logical operations like AND, OR, XOR, and NOT. These instructions are pivotal for efficient data manipulation, control flow decisions, and low-level hardware operations.