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  • Ten Daily Electronic Common Sense-Section 3

    What kinds of sensors are used in the electronically controlled suspension system?

    1. Front and rear suspension height sensor
    2. Body acceleration sensor
    3. Body displacement sensor

    Classification of modulation methods?

    According to the different modulation methods, it can be divided into active, semi-passive, passive and calibration methods.When the tag receives a signal of sufficient strength, it can send data to the reader.Semi-passive: In general, the passive tag antenna has two tasks: receiving the electromagnetic wave emitted by the reader to drive the tag IC; when the tag returns the signal, it needs to switch the impedance of the antenna to generate 0 and l.Variety.

    What are the classifications of automatic control by input signal characteristics?

    1. Fixed value control system
    2. Follow-up control system
    3. Program control system

    What are the links in the supply of RFID technology?

    1. Purchase link
    2. Sales link
    3. Transportation link

    What is an asymmetric cryptosystem?

    The asymmetric cryptosystem is also called a double-key cryptosystem and a public cryptographic key system.In this cryptosystem, encryption and decryption are implemented by two different keys, respectively, and it is difficult to derive another key from one of the keys.

    What is the charging phenomenon?

    When the pressure is removed, the ceramic piece returns to its original state (this is an expansion process), the distance between the positive and negative charges in the film becomes larger, and the polarization intensity also becomes larger, so that some free charges are adsorbed on the electrode and charging phenomenon occurs.

    What is a plasma?

    A plasma is a neutral ionized gas that carries a large amount of free electrons and positive ions.

    What is the purpose of the EMC Directive?

    1. The entire EU network, equipment, and facilities are free to operate.
    2. Maintain an acceptable EMC environment.
    3. Ensure that electromagnetic interference from electrical and electronic equipment does not affect the normal operation of other equipment, wireless and telecommunication networks and related equipment and power distribution networks.
    4. Make sure that the device has sufficient immunity to allow it to function properly in an environment with electromagnetic interference.

    What are the two major types of semiconductor strain components?

    There are two main types of semiconductor strain components:

    1. This kind of component needs glue to be glued like a metal strain gauge;

    2. Diffused semiconductor strain gauge.

    What are the main functions of the lighting system?

    The main function of the illumination system is to expand, shape, and homogenize the beam output from the ArF excimer laser, and provide uniform and stable illumination of a certain size and shape through the control of the luminous flux.


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