* Question What is the way the crystal oscillator of the LPC2000 series ARM generates a clock? * Answer LPC2000…
* Question What are the MC9S12XE series microcontroller features? * Answer (1) XGATE coprocessor, which can virtualize external devices and…
* Question In general, what are the main factors affecting the size of the strain limit? * Answer In general,…
* Question OSPF has several types of protocol packets? * Answer (1) Hello (Hello) message: Periodically sent to discover and…
* Question What is the external photoelectric effect? * Answer Under the action of light, the electrons in the object…
* Question What are the two general corrosion methods that can be used for MEMS geometry? * Answer There are…
* Question What is the open circuit detection method? * Answer 1 Turn off the ignition switch, remove the wiring…
* Question What is the tracking mechanism involved in setting the azimuth and elevation values for heliostats? * Answer 1)…
* Question What are the advantages of a network power controller? * Answer 1 More management rights are allocated to…
* Question What is a pulse modulation measurement circuit? * Answer A circuit that measures the amount of pulse output…