* Question What is the correspondence between the register organization in the Thumb state and the register organization in the…
* Question What is the role of the dual state symbol IO field? * Answer The dual state symbol IO…
* Question What is the principle of a pyroelectric sensor? * Answer The principle is that spontaneous polarization is generated…
* Question What are the basic steps of the VHDL language design of the combined circuit? * Answer (1) System…
* Question What are the types of electronic steering system sensors? * Answer (1) steering wheel angle sensor (2) torque…
* Question What is DPM? * Answer DPM is a low-power design method that dynamically allocates system resources to perform…
* Question What are the car manufacturers’ monolithic systems for Nissan? * Answer In many Nissan’s cars, the power control…
* Question What are the navigation system control sensors? * Answer Car navigation system sensors include geomagnetic sensors (gyro), wheel…
* Question What are the methods and steps for designing a PLC state transition diagram? * Answer (1) The entire…
* Question What are the differences between basic concepts such as services, interfaces, and protocols? * Answer OSI-RM has three…