* Question What is the main task of the AFE? * Answer The main task of the AFE is to…
* Question What are the two types of IC cards? * Answer 1.Contact IC card 2.Contactless IC card
* Question What are the three modes in which the FB current command UCC28610 works? * Answer The FB current…
* Question How many layers does the Nios II architecture go from hardware to software? * Answer The Nios II…
* Question What are the two overcurrent protection methods for the ISL6754? * Answer The ISL6754 has two overcurrent protection…
* Question What are the advantages of using the Zebeck effect? * Answer The Zebeck effect can be used not…
* Question PLD is divided into several types of devices according to the programming process. * Answer PLDs are divided…
* Question Briefly describe the pulse oximeter? * Answer Oxygen saturation is the percentage of oxygen-bound oxyhemoglobin (Hb02) in the…
* Question Knowledge about thermistors * Answer The physical characteristics of the thermistor are represented by the following parameters: resistance…
* Question How to automatically set block parameters? * Answer In order to correctly set the block call parameters, the…