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  • What are the important registers of the MSCAN module?

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    What are the important registers of the MSCAN module?


    1.Module control register CMCRl LOOPB – loopback self-test mode: LOOPB=1, start loopback self-test, the bit stream output by the sending device of MSCAN is all sent back to its own receiving device, this mode can be used to detect whether the module works normally; LOOPB=0, let MSCAN work normally.CLKSRC——Clock source: CLKSRC=1, select the output of CGM in AZ60A as the clock source of MSCAN; CLKSRC=0, select the off-chip oscillator divided by 2 to the clock source of MSCAN.

    2.The address of the receiver flag register CRFLG CRFLG is $0504, and its 0th bit RXF is the “cache full” flag.XFIE=1, indicating that a receiving interrupt is generated after receiving a message correctly; RXFIE=0, indicating that a receiving interrupt is not allowed.5.Transmitter Control Registers CTCRTXEIE2~TXEIE0——“Transmitter Empty” Interrupt Enable: TXEIE2~TXEIE0=1, when the corresponding Tx buffer is idle, an interrupt is generated; TXEIE2~TXEIE0=0, “Transmitter Empty” interrupt is not allowed.0th bit AZxx——AZ series allowable bit: AZxx=1, the microcontroller is set to the AZ series organization structure, the system includes MSCAN; AZxx=0, the microcontroller is set to the AS series organization structure, the system does not includeMSCAN.2 Set the basic working mode of MSCAN in CMCR0 and CMCR1.

    3 In the CIDAC, the MSCAN filter identifier is selected, and the acceptance code and the mask bit are set in CIDAR0 to CIDAR3 and CIDMR0 to CIDMR3, respectively.4 Set the bit timing logic of MSCAN in CBTR0 and CBTR1 to determine the communication bit rate.