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  • What are the pin functions of the Motorola MC68HC908GP32?

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    What are the pin functions of the Motorola MC68HC908GP32?


    A: 1.The power supply pins (VDD and VSS) (VDD and VSS) are the power and power ground pins, respectively. VDD is the main power supply for the microcontroller. 5 V or 3 V can be selected depending on the chip model.In order to operate the microcontroller normally, VSS must be grounded.4.External Reset Pin (RST) The low level of the RST pin places the microcontroller in an established initial state.A pull-up Resistors is integrated inside this pin.5.The external interrupt pin (IRQ/VPP) IRQ/VPP is an asynchronous external interrupt pin and a programmed high voltage input.A pull-up Resistors is integrated inside this pin.8.External Filter Capacitor Pin (CGMXFC) The CGMXFC is the external filter capacitor pin of the phase-locked loop.9.Input/Output (I/O) Pins PTA7~PTA0 of Port A 8 pins are universal bidirectional port pins with keyboard wake-up function.The T2CH1/T2CH0 channel of the timer TIM2 occupies the PTD7/PTD6 pin; the TlCH1/TlCH0 channel of the timer TIM1 occupies the PTD5/PTD4 pin; the SPSCK/MOSI/MIS0/SS of the SPI occupies 4 pins of PTD3~PTD0.Port E’s PTEl/PTE0 is a bidirectional port pin with multiplexing.


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