Category: Optoelectronics

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How to measure the quality of a diode

* Question How to measure the quality of a diode * Answer Put the multimeter on the R×100 or R×1 block, connect the red pen to the end of th [...]

What is the role of the parallel RC network at both ends of the thyristor?

* Question What is the role of the parallel RC network at both ends of the thyristor? * Answer We know that the thyristor has an important c [...]

Are there several types of point contact diodes classified by forward and reverse characteristics?

* Question Are there several types of point contact diodes classified by forward and reverse characteristics? * Answer The point contact dio [...]

What are the characteristics of the inductor component?

* Question What are the characteristics of the inductor component? * Answer The alternating current presents impedance.◆ The inductor elemen [...]

How to measure the quality of the triode

* Question How to measure the quality of the triode * Answer (1) Check the two PN junctions of the triode.Let us take the PNP tube as an exa [...]

Classification of power electronics

* Question Classification of power electronics * Answer According to the control capability of the device, it can be divided into the follow [...]

Precautions when using transistors

* Question Precautions when using transistors * Answer If a piece of soldering piece is attached to the bolt, the circuit lead is soldered t [...]

What is a piezoelectric crystal?

* Question What is a piezoelectric crystal? * Answer There is a very interesting kind of crystal that produces different charges at both end [...]

What is the working principle of photodiode?

* Question What is the working principle of photodiode? * Answer A photodiode is a semiconductor device that converts an optical signal into [...]

What options does the 28x family of devices offer to generate clocks?

* Question What options does the 28x family of devices offer to generate clocks? * Answer Using the on-chip crystal oscillator or an externa [...]
1 2 3 4 5 30 / 49 POSTS