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  • MPU9250 motion tracking device

    What is MPU9250?

    A MPU9250 module is a multi-chip module with a 9-axis motion tracking device that combines a three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer, three-axis magnetometer and a digital motion processor all in small 3*3*1mm package available as a pin compatible upgrade from MPU6515. With a standard I2C sensor bus, the MPU9250 directly provides complete 9-axis Motion-Fusion output. The MPU9250 Motion-Tracking device with its 9-axis integration, on-chip Motion-Fusion, and run-time calibration firmware, enables manufacturers to eliminate the costly and complex selection, qualification, and system level integration of discrete devices, guaranteeing optimal motion performance for consumers. MPU9250 is also designed to interface with multiple non-inertial digital sensors such as pressure sensors on its auxiliary I2C port.

    MPU9250 Key Features

    • Three 16-bit Analog-Digital converters (ADCs) for digitizing the gyroscope outputs,
    • Three 16-bit ADCs for digitizing accelerometer outputs,
    • Three 16-bit ADCs for digitizing the magnetometer outputs
    • A magnetometer full-scale range of
    • I2C and SPI serial interfaces
    • Power supply 3-5 V

    Pinout Configuration

    MPU9250 Pinout Configuration

    Pin Part Pinout description
    1 RESV Reserved connect to VDDIO
    7 AUX_CLVDDIO I2C master serial clock for connecting to external sensorsDigital I/O supply voltage
    9 AD0/SDO I2C slave address LSB (AD0); SPI serial data output (SDO)
    10 REGOUT Regulator filter capacitor connection


    Frame synchronization digital, connect to GND if unused
    12 Interrupt digital output (totem pole or open-drain)
    13 Power supply voltage and digital I/O supply voltage
    18 GNDRESV Power supply ground
    19 Reserved, do not connect
    20 RESVAUX_DA Reserved, connect to GND
    21 I2C master serial data, for connecting to external sensors
    22 nCS Chip select (SPI mode only)
    23 SCL/SCLK I2C serial clock (SCL); SPI serial clock (SCLK)
    24 SDA/SDI I2C serial data (SDA); SPI serial data input (SDI)
    2-6, 14-17 NC Not internally connected, may be used for PCB trace routing

    MPU9250 Schematic

    MPU9250 Schematic

    MPU9250 Board Overview

    The MPU9250 is latest 9-axis microelectromechanical systems sensor which replaces the famous EOL’d MPU9150. MPU9250 has lowered power consumption and decreased size by 44% compared than MPU9150. The Gyro noise performance is 3 times better and compass full scale range is over 4 times better than competitive offerings. The MPU9250 uses 16-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) for digitizing all 9 axes.

    MPU9250 Board

    Block Diagram of MPU9250

    Block Diagram of MPU9250

    The board is designed to be smaller size than other types like MPU9150 so as to fit in smaller projects. To achieve this, the plate through hole (PTH) connections (J1, J2, J3) are wrapped around the border of the PCB in three rows of three or four each. The top row (J1) is all one need to get most of functionality of the IMU. These include an I2C and power interface. If the space were really tight, one could take a saw and carefully remove all the other PTHs. The bottom (J3) and includes address pin, the interrupt pin and IO voltage supply for easy interface with a more modern 1.8V processor. The other is non-breadboard compatible row (J2) is used for features like running other I2C devices as slaves to this one. For prototyping with these connections, throw your connections on top like you would do with an Arduino Pro Mini or similar product.

    The top row J1 of the PTH connections

    PTH Connections

    The table below summarizes all plated through hole (PTH) connections on the breakout board in order found on the board stating in the upper left corner and wrapping clockwise.

    Pin Label Pin Function Description
    VDD Power supply +2.4V to +3.6V
    VDDIO Power supply for I/O pins +1.71V up to VDD
    INT Interrupt signal Interrupt digital output (totem pole or open-drain)
    FSYNC Ground reference Frame synchronization digital input. Connect to GND if unused
    GND Ground reference +0V
    AD0/SDO Address selection I2C slave address LSB (AD0):Low: 0b1101000-> 0x68,

    High: 0b1101001->0x69

    SPI serial data output (SDO)

    SDA I2C serial data Can be used for SPI serial data input (SDI)
    CS Chip select Chip select (SPI mode only)
    AUXDA Ground reference I2C master serial data for connecting to external sensors
    AUXCL Ground reference I2C master serial clock for connecting to external sensors
    SCL I2C serial clockSPI serial port clock 100 or 400 kHz I2CUp to 1 MHz SPI (20 MHz in certain cases)


    MPU9250 breakout has two solder jumpers SJ1 and SJ2. SJ1 comes pre-soldered to short VDD and VDDIO. It reduces number of power supply to one without requiring an external jumper. If the core and IO need to be supplied different voltages, remove solder from SJ1. SJ2 is two way jumpers that come pre-soldered to connect AD0 to ground. This sets the I2C address to 0×68. It leaves the PTH for AD0 disconnecting and floating. If the solder is moved to connect the center pad with the pad on the left then AD0 PTH needs be connected high or low to choose the I2C address.

    HOW MPU9250 WORK?

    The MPU9250 is a system in package (SiP) that combines two chips; the MPU6500 which contains a 3-axis gyroscope, a 3-axis accelerometer and onboard digital motion processor capable of processing complex motion-fusion algorithms; and the AK8963, the market leading 3-axis digital compass. MPU9250 is designed to get real-time motion data hence it is a motion tracking device. The information that we get from MPU9250 is; yaw angle, pitch angle and roll angle. The MPU has a 16-bit register each of its three sensors, they temporarily store data from sensor before it is relayed via I2C.

    MPU9250 Applications

    • Motion command technology (for gesture short-cuts)
    • Location based services, points of interest and dead reckoning
    • Handset and portable gaming
    • Motion enabled game and application framework
    • Touch anywhere technology (for no touch UI application control/navigation)
    • Motion based game controllers
    • 3D remote controls for internet connected DTVs and
    • Wearable sensors for health, fitness and sports



    Typical operating circuit

    The application schematic of MPU9250 for I2C operation and SPI operation respectively

    For the INT pin, it should be connected to a GPIO pin on the system processor that is capable of walking the system processor from suspended mode.

    Buy MPU9250 Online

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