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    The difference between an op amp and a comparator


    The op amp and the comparator are exactly the same. In a nutshell, the comparator is the open-loop application of the op amp, but the comparator is designed for voltage threshold comparison. The required comparison threshold is accurate, and the output edge rises or falls after comparison.To be short, the output conforms to TTL/CMOS level/or OC, etc.The difference between the op amp and the comparator is that the comparator and the op amp have the same symbol on the circuit diagram, but the two devices do have a very big difference. Generally, they are not interchangeable.

    The difference is as follows: 1. The flipping speed of the comparator is fast, aboutOn the order of ns, the op amp flip speed is typically on the order of us (except for special high-speed op amps).There is no phase compensation circuit inside, which is the main reason why the comparator is much faster than the op amp.3. The output stage of the op amp generally uses a push-pull circuit and a bipolar output.Most comparator output stages are open-collector structures, so pull-up Resistorss, unipolar outputs, and easy connection to digital circuits are required.