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  • What are the main features of the switch current circuit?

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    What are the main features of the switch current circuit?


    (1) The circuit contains only MOSFETs, which can be fabricated using a standard digital CMOS process compatible with digital circuits, allowing direct advances in digital CMOS processes and easy integration with digital circuits on the same chip.The switched capacitor circuit needs to make a floating capacitor with neither of the two plates grounded.Because the switching current circuit uses current as the signal carrier, the magnitude of the signal change is not directly limited by the supply voltage, and thus has the potential to operate at low supply voltages.However, since the MOS switch is still controlled by voltage, careful design is required when implementing low power supply.

    (5) The degree of circuit matching is high, and the clock feedthrough introduced by the switch is the main problem affecting the performance of the switch current circuit.


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