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  • What are the steps involved in the initialization process of the transmitter?

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    What are the steps involved in the initialization process of the transmitter?


    The ENSCI bit in the 1SCI Control Register SCCl is written to a logic 1 to allow the SCI module to function.

    2 Write a logic 1 to the TE bit in the SCI Control Register SCC2 to allow the SCI Transmitter function.3 Read the SCI status register SCS1 first, then write the data to the SCDR.4 Repeat step

    3.When the SCDR transmits a byte to the Transmit Shift Register, the Transmitter Empty Flag SCTE in SCS1 is set to 1, indicating that the SCDR can now receive new data from the internal data bus.If the SCI Transmit Interrupt bit SCTIE in SCC2 is already enabled, the SCTE flag will also generate a Transmitter Empty Interrupt request.If the software clears the ENSCl bit in SCCl, both the transmitter and receiver will give up control of the E port pins.