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    What is a voltage regulator?


    Regulators, as the name implies, are devices that stabilize the output voltage.The non-inverting input of the error amplifier is connected to a reference voltage Vref.The reference voltage is generated by a bandgap reference source (BandgapReference) inside the IC.The error amplifier always tries to force the inputs at both ends to be equal.To this end, it provides load current to ensure that the output voltage is stable.Comparison of Linear Regulators and Switching Regulators Advantages of Linear Voltage Regulators: Simple output ripple voltage, excellent line and load regulation; fast response to load and line changes; low electromagnetic interference (EMI).Disadvantages: The instantaneous recovery time is slow; the output ripple voltage is high; the electromagnetic interference (EMI) is also a power supply circuit or power supply device that can automatically adjust the output voltage. Its function is to fluctuate greatly or not.The power supply voltage required by the device is stable within its set value.The original power regulator relied on the relay’s jitter to stabilize the voltage.When the grid voltage fluctuates, the power regulator’s automatic correction circuit is activated to activate the internal relay.This interferes greatly with the reading and writing of computer equipment, which may cause the computer to have an error signal, and in severe cases, the hard disk may be damaged.Hongbao specializes in the production of voltage regulators with advanced technology and is used in other precision instruments such as computers.