Category: Programmer, development system

1 7 8 9 10 11 19 90 / 183 POSTS

What is the analytical redundancy method?

* Question What is the analytical redundancy method? * Answer Due to the popularity of computers and the powerful role of computer technolog [...]

What are the three practical techniques for dry etching?

* Question What are the three practical techniques for dry etching? * Answer There are three practical techniques for dry etching: plasma et [...]

What are the types of photoelectric sensors?

* Question What are the types of photoelectric sensors? * Answer The first type of photoelectric sensor measurement system converts the meas [...]

Among the vibrating wire sensors currently used, what kinds of vibrating wire clamping devices are there?

* Question Among the vibrating wire sensors currently used, what kinds of vibrating wire clamping devices are there? * Answer 1.Pin type cla [...]

What are the characteristics of metal foil strain gauges and silk strain gauges?

* Question What are the characteristics of metal foil strain gauges and silk strain gauges? * Answer Compared with the wire strain gauges, t [...]

What are the types of fiber optic sensors?

* Question What are the types of fiber optic sensors? * Answer Fiber optic sensors are divided into functional, non-functional and optical p [...]

What is the residual?

* Question What is the residual? * Answer Under the same control quantity, the difference between the sensor output signal and the value obt [...]

What is a photocell?

* Question What is a photocell? * Answer Photocells are devices that use the photovoltaic effect to convert light directly into electrical e [...]

What are the advantages of LED lights compared to halogen lamps?

* Question What are the advantages of LED lights compared to halogen lamps? * Answer There are two major advantages: 1) The light source i [...]

What is the development of LED lighting technology?

* Question What is the development of LED lighting technology? * Answer The progress of domestic LED technology: It must undergo revolutiona [...]
1 7 8 9 10 11 19 90 / 183 POSTS