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  • Win Source sponsors Thunderbots

    Recently, our company has sponsored the TUBC Thunderbots based on shared values and ideals between both teams. The Thunderbots are a design team composed of engineering students who create competitive robots to participate in the international RoboCup competitions and conferences. 

    Their goal is to inspire interest and enthusiasm for robotics technology within the UBC and BC community through an engaging robot soccer platform. They strive to enhance the educational experience of UBC students by providing an inclusive environment that emphasizes teaching and guiding members to seek, implement, and create novel solutions to complex engineering problems. Through their experience on Thunderbots, their members develop the skills needed to quickly integrate into any workplace and make meaningful contributions.

    RoboCup is an annual international robotics competition that began in 1996. Interestingly, the idea of robots playing soccer was first proposed by Professor Alan Mackworth at UBC. The goal of the competition is to promote robotics technology and artificial intelligence research by providing a challenging and engaging platform that is attractive to the public.

    For this competition, three teams will collaborate. The Mechanical team is responsible for designing, assembling, and maintaining their robot fleet, which mainly includes optimizing their design by prototyping and manufacturing components. 

    The Electrical team is responsible for effectively controlling the robots, which includes PCB design and assembly, firmware development, and creating modular test fixtures. The Software team is responsible for controlling the robot’s mechanical components, communicating with the Electrical team’s PCBs, and developing advanced AI for the autonomous soccer-playing robots.

    In this event, Winsource will sponsor some of the hard-to-find electronic components required by Thunderbots in manufacturing their soccer-playing robots. With our sponsorship, we believe the Thunderbots team will be able to design even better robots to participate in international competitions.

    Winsource’s sponsorship demonstrates its core value of assisting users in quickly and accurately finding outdated, obsolete, and hard-to-find parts, which is consistent with Winsource’s culture. This sponsorship not only promotes the development and prosperity of local sports culture to some extent but also makes a considerable contribution to the local economic development. Additionally, Winsource’s business sponsorship also undertakes certain social responsibilities, promoting friendly exchanges and cooperation between countries. 

    Ultimately, in this sponsorship activity, both parties achieved a win-win situation in terms of resource sharing, brand promotion, and market development, maximizing their benefits. We will continue to uphold our customer-first service philosophy, providing customers with higher quality products and services, while actively participating in more public welfare and cultural sports activities to make more contributions to society.


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