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  • Handheld devices are portable devices that are operated by factory personnel.What are the four connection methods for handheld devices?

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    Handheld devices are portable devices that are operated by factory personnel.What are the four connection methods for handheld devices?


    (1) HART handheld devices or applications connected through a factory automation network A handheld device that can be connected to a factory automation network can be connected to a factory automation network via certain network technologies such as WiFi.

    2) HART handheld device connected to the device via the FSK module In this mode, the handheld device is directly connected to the device via an FSK module.In this mode.Handheld devices cannot access the WirelessHART network through the devices connected to them.This mode is used to configure keys for wireless handheld devices and to read diagnostic and system health information.This mode is also known as a network device to connect.We will use a special configuration to ensure that the WirelssHART handheld is limited to communicating with directly connected devices at a time.This is called as a maintenance device to connect.Handheld devices that work in this manner must communicate using their own session with the connected device.