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    What is a semiconductor optoelectronic device?


    Do you know what semiconductor optoelectronic devices are?When you talk to a friend who is far away from the sky and exchange a lot of important and unimportant news, when you turn on your computer to surf the Internet and greedily suck in all kinds of valuable and worthless information,Turn it into the movies, music and everything else you want to enjoy.Satellites travel in space, semiconductor infrared detectors are its clairvoyance, semiconductor solar cells provide it with inexhaustible energy; the colorful world in front of us also has a credit for semiconductor light-emitting diodes.

    There are conduction bands and valence bands in the semiconductor material. The conduction band allows the electrons to move freely, while the valence band allows the holes to move freely. The conduction band and the valence band are separated by a forbidden band. When the electrons absorb the energy of the light.When the price band jumps into the conduction band, the energy of the light is turned into electricity.The development of materials science has enabled us to use the band engineering to perform a variety of sophisticated cutting of semiconductor materials to meet our various needs and do more for us, as well as to work with semiconductor optoelectronic devices.The wavelength breaks through the limits of the forbidden band width of the material to a wider range.


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