* Question Briefly describe the FIQ interrupt? * Answer F10 has the highest priority and the fastest interrupt response, and…
* Question What is a write gateway session and routing? * Answer Although the network manager controls the entire WirelessHART…
* Question What are the outstanding features of piezoelectric sensors? * Answer The outstanding feature of piezoelectric sensors is their…
* Question What are the characteristics of LD0? * Answer The characteristic of LD0 is that the output noise voltage…
* Question What is a photoResistors? * Answer Photosensitive Resistors, also known as light pipe, is a homogeneous semiconductor optoelectronic…
* Question What are the advantages of integrated smart sensors? * Answer The integrated smart sensor has the advantages of…
* Question What types of PLC output circuits are usually divided into? * Answer Relay output, transistor output, and thyristor…
* Question The improvement to the waiting phase is mainly because the process no longer uses the DD (direct delivery)…
* Question Which three aspects of a MOST network system are determined? * Answer 1MOST connection mechanism; 2MOST system service;…
* Question What are the main factors affecting the liquid potential? * Answer The main factors affecting the liquid junction…