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  • Ten Daily Electronic Common Sense-Section 135

    What is the way to detect roads?

    1. Turn on the ignition switch, do not start the engine, and use a multimeter to check whether there is voltage between the ECU connector B terminal (power supply voltage input terminal) and the body ground (ground). If there is no voltage, check whether the ECU power supply circuit is broken, and repair or replace the ECU if necessary.
    2. If the power supply voltage of the ECU is checked to be normal, turn off the ignition switch, and use a multimeter to check whether the connection wire between the ECU connector terminal El and the body ground (ground) is connected.
    3. If check E. If it is well grounded with the vehicle body, turn on the ignition switch and use a multimeter to measure the pressure between the relevant terminals of the sensor. If the inspection result does not match the specified normal value, the air flow sensor should be replaced.
    4. Turn off the ignition switch, unplug the wiring connector of the air flow sensor and the ECU wiring connector, and check the connection wire between the sensor and the ECU with a multimeter.

    What is a safety sensor?

    The safety sensor is also called the protection sensor, which is mainly used to prevent the airbag system from detonating by mistake in the case of non-collision.

    If the ADC and DAC are enabled and powered up before the sample rate is changed, the sample rate value change will be valid, so how is the sample rate set?

    • The steps of sampling rate setting are as follows:
      1. Enable and power on ADC and DAC through registers 26h and 3Ch;
      2. Enable register 2Ah bit [0] VRA;
      3. Change the sampling rate value in the respective register.

    What is a three-terminal adjustable negative power regulator?

    Three-terminal adjustable negative power supply regulators are commonly used in CWl37/cw237/cw337 series (international popular models:
    LMl37/237/337): This voltage regulator is the same as the three-terminal adjustable positive power supply voltage regulator, and it can also adjust the required voltage value of the output with only two resistors. Internally equipped with protection circuits for overheating, overcurrent and the safe working area of the adjusting tube. It has the characteristics of safety, reliability, and convenience, and is widely used in DC voltage stabilizing circuits of various electronic equipment.

    How does the subroutine call/return instruction implement the call and return of the subroutine?

    The subroutine call instruction BSR is a relative addressing subroutine call instruction, and it can only call the subroutines in the address space of -l26~129 relative to this instruction.
    The JSR call instruction has 5 addressing modes, and can call a subroutine at any effective address in the 64KB address space.
    RTS is the subroutine return instruction.
    In the interrupt subroutine, the RTI return instruction should be used.

    What are the advantages of the Virtex-6 FPGA family?

    • The advantages of the Virtex-6 FPGA family are as follows:
      1. Achieve performance goals easily.
      2. Meet the power budget without sacrificing performance.
      3. Utilize easy-to-use high-speed connection function technology to optimize I/O bandwidth, power consumption and cost.

    Comprehensive optimization parameter setting dialog box, what is the role of each tab?

    1. The content of the device tab is exactly the same as that of the parameter setting dialog box (see Figure 7-49) that pops up when using the project wizard to create a project. This tab mainly completes device selection and some synthesis and optimization parameter settings. The parameters that can be set include fanout number (Fanout Guide), whether to insert I/O (Disable I/O Insertion), fast channel timing optimization (Pipelining) , Update multi-position integrated timing data (Update Compile Point Timing Data), module verification (Verification Mode), modular design (Modular Design) and timing adjustment optimization (Retiming), etc.
    2. The optimization parameter tab is completely consistent with the content of the parameter setting dialog box that pops up when the project is created by using the project wizard, and its function is to set the optimization parameters. The optimization parameters that need to be selected include finite state machine compiler (FSM Compiler), finite state machine explorer (FSM Explorer), resource sharing (Resource Sharing), Retiming and Pipelining, etc.
    3. The synthesis constraint file tab mainly sets the global frequency and adds the synthesis constraint file (SDC file). The global frequency is the default constraint frequency of the entire design, and all objects that are not specially specified are constrained by the global frequency by default.
    4. The synthesis result storage tab is used to set the output file name and format of the synthesis result. The output of Synplify Pro’s synthesis results varies according to the supplier of the device, and generally includes synthesis netlist output and synthesis constraint transfer files.
    5. The timing report tab mainly sets the critical path reported in the comprehensive report (.srr file) and the number of path timings between the start point and the end point. Set these two parameters according to the complexity of the design and timing requirements.
    6. The language parameter tab is divided into Verilog and VHDL according to different types of project source files. It mainly sets the supported language standards and the import path of library files.

    What functions are completed by the substation inspection system based on sensor technology and RFID radio frequency identification technology?

    The positioning of inspection personnel, the perception of equipment operating environment and status information, provide auxiliary means for condition-based maintenance.

    What is the role of Error Management Logic (EML)?

    The error management logic completes the error handling of the transport layer.
    It receives error messages from the bit stream processor, and then sends error status to the bit stream processor and upper layer error handling logic.

    What are the performance and features of Microchip’s digital controller solutions?

    1. Increased power density.
    2. The cost is lower, the product is launched faster, and the production is easier.
    3. New cost-effective features.
    4. Improved reliability.
    5. Protect intellectual property rights.